brian junker-latocha, songwriter

(Image Credit Felix Rosić)

Brian Junker-Latocha’s rhythmic Americana roots and foot-tapping folkpop melodies are what happens when you put an east-coast American guitar player into the fertile German soil and pour some beer over top.

Rhythm & Rhyme is about bringing that feel-good folk mindset to contemporary originals that keep you looking forward and put a spring in your step while you’re at it.

At the crossroads of americana and country, Brian’s debut album goes its own way. You’ll find catchy choruses, but also a depth of instrumentation that lends color and contrast. Authentic melodies combine with traditional rhythms to create the ideal roadtrip soundtrack– whether down the Blue Ridge Parkway– or across the Autobahn.

So buckle up, turn the key, and crank up the stereo. Let's hit the road!

Stream on Spotify, Apple Music, etc.

Download files on Bandcamp

Ein kräftiger Cappuccino holt einen raus der Alltagsmüdigkeit, hinein in einen frischen Mindset.

Dieses fußstampfende Folk-Album enthält eine fette Tagesdosis desselben aktivierenden Wirkstoffs.

Da wo Americana-Rhythmen und Indie-Earworms zusammenlaufen, an der Kreuzung zwischen Pop und Country, da bahnt sich Rhythm & Rhyme seinen Weg in die Herzen der Hörerinnen und Hörer.

Probier auch du eine Tasse dieser Offenbacher Röstung!

Press Reviews

Review by Thomas Waldherr

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Herm.-Steinhäuser-Str. 18
63065 Offenbach